Early Option Pill | Midtown, NYC & Rego Park, Queens Banner
Early Option Pill | Midtown, NYC & Rego Park, Queens Banner

What Is the Early Option Pill?

The early option pill, also known as the abortion pill or a medical abortion, has been developed to help women terminate an early pregnancy without surgery.

This process consists of the use of two layers:

  1. The drug Mifepristone®, followed by
  2. The drug Misoprostol®

French researchers developed Mifepristone, also known as RU-486, in the 1980s to be taken with Misoprostol for medication abortion care. Mifepristone was approved for use in France in 1988 and later in the United States. This abortion method can be taken safely within the first 10 weeks of pregnancy for most women.

If you need emergency contraception like Plan B or the early option pill, seek out the best birth control specialist in New York City. Even if you’re looking for a long-term solution like an IUD or a subdermal implant, visit the Midtown NYC office of Cohen Medical Practice (CMP), founded by Dr. Felix Cohen, a board certified OB-GYN who provides compassionate care for all your gynecological needs.

How Does the Early Option Pill Work?

Medical abortion is safe and effective, when taken as directed. It requires two steps that involve two separate pills.

The process includes:

  1. First, you take the Mifepristone pill. This medication blocks the production of progesterone, an important hormone that’s essential for continuing your pregnancy. Without progesterone, the pregnancy cannot proceed.
  2. Then you take the Misoprostol pill between 24 and 48 hours after you’ve taken the first pill. Misoprostol causes uterine contractions that facilitate the removal of the pregnancy-related tissue from your body. The contractions feel like strong cramps, like you’re experiencing a heavy period.

The cramps, which are the most common symptoms of a medical abortion, usually come on immediately after you take the second pill. In essence, Mifepristone stops the pregnancy and Misoprostol flushes the aborted tissue from your uterus.

Are There Side Effects or Risks Associated with the Early Option Pill?

When you take the early option pill, you may encounter some side effects, but you can minimize these by visiting the highly competent and compassionate team at CMP. The length and severity of the side effects vary, but in most cases, they’re tolerable.

They include:

A medical abortion typically causes no complications. But you must follow the medications’ instructions. Not completing the process or diverging from the timeline may create problems.

The risks from an improper medical abortion include:

  • Failure to end the pregnancy or retaining unwanted tissue
  • Uncontrolled bleeding
  • Digestive pain
  • Infections, which cause an unpleasant vaginal odor or a fever lasting 24 to 48 hours

Don’t start the process if you’re allergic to either drug. But medical abortion is an ideal choice if you prefer to manage the process privately and in your own space. It’s a safe, non-invasive way to end the pregnancy. You’re well suited for the early option pill if you know you’re within the first 10 weeks of your pregnancy.

What Are the Benefits of the Early Option Pill?

The early option pill is effective at about 95 to 98 percent of the time, when you use it to terminate a pregnancy within first 10 weeks. This option may be even more dependable than surgical methods. A medical abortion is certainly safer and simpler than the surgical methods.

Other benefits include:

  • You can end a pregnancy early, often as soon as you know you’re pregnant and decide you don’t want to carry the pregnancy to term.
  • The early option pill may feel like a more natural process, as opposed to having surgery.
  • You can remain in the privacy and comfort of your own home during the cramping and bleeding phase of the process.
  • You can rely on your own support system: family or friends.
  • The early option pill is more affordable than a surgical abortion.

You can take advantage of the early option pill when you have an unplanned pregnancy or you think you’re not prepared to go through with the pregnancy. You may also want a medical abortion if there are risks to your health in trying to carry the pregnancy to term or if your current personal, emotional or financial circumstances make it challenging to raise a child. Consult the caring team at Cohen Medical Practice to consider your choices and to get a prescription for the early option pill.

How Long Do I Need to Recover after Taking the Early Option Pill?

Recovery times vary. You may feel all right the day after you’ve taken the last pill. But it’s recommended that you wait one or two days before you return to your normal routine.

Other advice includes:

  • Pay attention to how your body feels and take it easy if you need to.
  • Avoid activities that cause pain.
  • Don’t have sexual intercourse for one-to-two weeks, or until you’ve completely stopped bleeding. This prevents complications during your healing process.
  • It’s recommended that you use pads instead of tampons while bleeding, as tampon use increases your chances of getting an infection.
  • Avoid using a swimming pool, going to hot tubs or taking any tub baths for the duration of your recovery. Instead, take showers to minimize the risk of infection.
  • Recognize that you may experience a range of emotions, from relief to sadness, stress or guilt. These feelings are normal.

If you feel overwhelmed by your emotions, consider finding a therapist or counselor. These professionals have the means to help you deal with your feelings so you can move on with your life. Dr. Cohen and his expert team at CMP New York specialize in feminine health. They offer advanced gynecological services. Whether you’re looking for expert guidance on birth control or for a doctor to perform your annual gynecological exam, contact Cohen Medical Practice in Midtown NYC today.